Mitsui Fudosan
Completed 2017
Fletcher Priest Architects
Real PM’s Services
Project Management
Contract Administration
Employer’s Agent
Programme Management
460,000 sq ft
Building Type
Project Description
The One Angel Court project sees the demolition of Existing 1970’s Tower and Podium Buildings, retention of the structural core to the tower and reconstruction of a 24-story commercial tower and associated lower rise podium building and basement extension. Incorporating a full Cat A Fit Out to all levels.
Following the introduction of the Bank Conservation area, any new developments in the vicinity were restricted on height and the demolition of pre-existing buildings would result in the loss of any historical planning consent for the site. Stanhope developed a proposal based on the unconventional approach ‘stump’ construction method that removed exterior walls and floorplates leaving a stump of only the foundations and core of the 25-storey building, making it the tallest retained structural core to date in the UK. This inventive approach ensured that existing planning consents remained in place and the original height of the building was retained.
Real PM’s Role
Employers Agent & Project Manager for the enabling, demolition, construction and fit-out works. In addition to planning services on the preconstruction and delivery programme, construction and logistics.